How does acupuncture help my pain?

This is one of the top questions that I think any acupuncturist gets. While there are many ways to explain it (from an esoteric point of view to a more modern view), I have found that the following is the easiest way to grasp the concept. Acupuncture excels at pain that is neuropathic in nature. What that means is that the signal from the injured area is not strong enough for the brain to release your own natural painkillers-enkephalins. Another part of the equation is to send blood and oxygen supply into the injured area as that is what actually heals the injured tissue. Once acupuncture establishes a proper proprioceptive signal in the brain, the brain releases enkephalins (your own natural pain killers) and improves the circulation of blood and oxygen. Once those aspects are in place, the pain diminishes and the tissue starts to heal.


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